
Long-term volunteering
Chisholme Blog | Sunday, 11th June, 2023

Since the pandemic there have been very few people in residence at Chisholme. These few have been spread thinly over the various areas of responsibility. At some point it will be time for one or two to move on. Numbers notwithstanding, courses and conversations have taken place already this year [2023], garden weeks and a forestry fortnight in which 6000 trees were planted on the Fathill clear-felled area. To the few at Chisholme and to those who come to help as the need arises we are extremely grateful. The garden, the House and estate have been tended with deep care, and the strength of presence is palpable everywhere.

The manner of visiting Chisholme and participating in courses is more immersive as a result, as the distinction between staff and visitors becomes less pronounced. We are all guests in His House, and equally host to the Guest who comes to the door.

'As the lark says in her song:
Often, often, often goes the Christ
In the stranger’s guise.'
(ancient Celtic rune)

We are currently [2024] asking for longer-term volunteers who may also be willing to take on particular areas of responsibility, for example – kitchen, garden, estate, housekeeping, office.

Caring for the garden includes the walled garden, the flowers, the polytunnels, growing vegetables for the people at Chisholme with some to share at the local Hawick Market.
This garden has been cared for so many years by so many different people, some with no previous gardening experience. So don't hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in giving your time to the garden short or long term.

To apply for this, or any other area you are interested in, please email
Tel +44 (0)1450 880 215

All positions at Chisholme are available within the spirit of Equal Opportunities and in fulfilment of the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. Read more here

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