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Framing the Intention, 2024
Chisholme Blog | Sunday, 7th April, 2024

Our focus this year is on preparing for the Six-month Course of Intensive Esoteric Education beginning in October.

We are inviting you to participate in this intention, and in the preparation in whatever way might be appropriate for you.

Preparations for the course will be on several different levels, from readying the place physically, to publicising it and engaging with prospective students.

We hope to explore these levels of preparation throughout the year until October 1st, in conversation and in hands-on engagement in the life and work of the place. We hope that you will be able to come and participate for a week, a month or more...

Weekend and one-week Introductory Courses have been scheduled for spring and summer, as well as FNI courses (Foundations of Natural Intelligence) to enable students to have a taste of being at Chisholme under the order of education.

The Forestry Fortnight in March attracted many volunteers, as no doubt will the Garden Weeks each month, planting particularly with the winter course in mind.

Please find dates and details of these here:

And of course your support and goodwill is of value in whatever way you might express it. Longer-term volunteers are particularly welcome at this time. But even if you have just a week or two free this summer and feel drawn to, please consider coming.

Read more about longer-term volunteering here

Enquiries to:

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