
The Four Pills

‘Everything is of one thing.
There is no other thing, except that one thing.
There is no possibility of communing or communicating
or going back to that one thing through nothing.
Therefore you have to build into something and then reach.
That is the simplest way that you can think about it.

And there are four pills that go with it,
four pills that you have to take.
One is that you are sure that there is one absolute, because there can’t be two;
the second is that you must keep everything clean;
the third thing is that you mustn’t harm anybody,
and the fourth thing is that you must be helpful to everybody.

After these four things it is up to you to find your way to get there.’

from advice to students by Bulent Rauf



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An introduction


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Sat 17th August 2024 14:00

Woodland Retreat


Lesley Emine Abadi has stepped down from the Institute Board of Directors after over 40 years of constant service, from the Institute's inauguration to the present day [2024]. During a large part of this time she chaired the Board.