Meditation Act of Love

Don’t meditate to fix yourself,
to heal yourself,
to improve yourself,
to redeem yourself;
rather, do it as an act of love,
of deep warm friendship to yourself. …

Meditation and the cultivation of awareness and receptivity is as an important part of each day.

It awakens our trust that the wisdom and compassion that we need are already within us.
It’s a vital tool, to help know ourselves.

To begin with, meditation is simply practicing awareness – noticing what is happening without trying to change it. Time is given to meditation each day; both guided mindfulness meditations and silent meditation.

Extract from 'Meditation and Zikr'

...Meditation should act, above all, as a centralising process – a means of establishing contact with the core of one’s being. By being constantly brought into contact with one’s essence, and through patience, a point of stability should be reached that cannot be touched by external goings-on. This contact is the beginning of self-knowledge, which of course is no different from knowledge of Him [the Real].
(Bulent Rauf)

Extract from 'Prayer and Meditation'

.... sometimes the meditator’s aim, the direction they will dedicate their meditation to, is the elimination of everything so as to leave them in the presence of that supreme quiet centre, that still-point which is the epicentre of all movement, of action or thought; the perfect void wherein resides the essential relationship of immanence and transcendence...At this moment, if it is a moment, there is no time.
(Bulent Rauf)
To read the whole paper, see here...